Thursday, February 28, 2013

how to practice

how to practice
It takes practice to get there. Here is how my day goes.

1.wake up
3.go to school
4.go to dads work
6.go home
7.practice tv dinner
10.take shower
11.go to bed

Lets count how many times i wrote practice. I wrote it 3 times, but on Wednesdays i practice during school. You may say I'm a work-a-holic. I am todally ok with who i am.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


I'm new to this blog thing so please don"t blame me. I don't feel like saying my name or i would put out a picture too, so i'll let you guess who i am by a picture of my cat. And i'm not a crazy cat lady i'm ten.

I got this cat when i turned 7, i think. I'm in the fifth grade. The dream part in all this is my dream and million others. I want to go pro in singing. Music is my life i grew up in it. Not stuff like Brittney and Madonna. I grew up hearing the Smiths, Police, Beatles. Once i get famous, if i do, i plan to build and own a performing arts school in, talent full but PA school less, Mira Mesa. This is it for now. BYE!!!:)